In this section you can find more information about DanceRadio FreestyleFM by diving into the history of this formerly pirate radiostation or get to know the team members.


Find out more about the history of DanceRadio FreestyleFM. The radiostation that started more than 25 years ago. »

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Legal Disclamer

DanceRadio FreestyleFM is fully powered by Radionomy and Spacial Audio’s SAM Broadcaster.
We broadcast 24/7 according to Radionomy’s rules.

This internetbroadcast is streamed by Radionomy servers situated in Belgium. The royalties on all music played on the station are paid by Radionomy through an agreement with SABAM (SABAM is the Belgian association of authors, composers and publishers). For more information visit Radionomy’s website. If you believe that your copyright was infringed, email freestylefm (at) , and we will look into the matter. However, please check beforehand to see if copyrights have already been paid by Radionomy to SABAM.
No music is directly streamed or downloadable from this web site.

Radionomy Spacial Audio SAM Broadcaster

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